How to Increase Conversions

User decision-making & Conversions

In the UI/UX design world, small details carry significant persuasive power. When tactically implemented, subtle animations, microcopy, and visual cues can inspire users to subscribe to a newsletter, create an account, or complete a transaction. By understanding and applying knowledge about common human tendencies to their work, designers can influence user decision-making and drive conversion rates up. They can also facilitate better user experiences.

I have been a product designer for eight years, specializing in applying human behavioral patternsto UX design to improve website conversions and develop successful digital products. Here, I discuss how four behavioral principles—reciprocation, commitment, social proof, and scarcity—can influence user decision-making and optimize conversion rates.


When people make a commitment, they tend to want to keep it. Why? According to Robert B. Cialdini, author of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, people strive to make their actions consistent with their past behaviors, beliefs, or self-perceptions. Companies can leverage this tendency by encouraging users to commit to small actions that align with their values.

One way to do this is to prompt users to set goals and then help them track their progress. Designers can implement visual progress indicators or checkpoints that help users see their progress and accomplishments. In Fitbit’s mobile app, for example, users can set goals and then view progress indicators, completion bars, and microinteractions that visually represent their activity levels and how close they are to achieving their daily goals. Users also earn badges for hitting milestones or maintaining a consistent activity level, providing positive reinforcement. These visual indicators motivate users to stay consistent with their fitness routines, ultimately increasing the likelihood of meeting their objectives (and continuing on as customers).